Mosquito’s tend to become a nuisance in many households. Mosquito bites aren’t only irritating, but can also be dangerous, as some bites can lead to allergic reactions and even illnesses. The mosquitoes create a high pitched whine sound from its wings that beat at 200-300 times per second.
- You are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito at dawn or dusk. Mosquitoes have an internal clock that tells them when it’s feeding time.
- Mosquitoes seem to be attracted to bright colours that reflect light.
- Mosquitoes lay their eggs in the water.
- Only female mosquitoes bite.
- Mosquitoes are responsible for around 1 million deaths per year!
- Mosquitoes are known as ‘vectors” for several harmful diseases such as Malaria, Zika and Dengue.
- Mosquitoes are as old as the Dinosaurs.
- Mosquitoes don’t only bite humans.

We apply a full comprehensive, licensed and formulated solution to remove pests safely.