Termites can cause extensive damage to the structure of a building and go for years undetected without a monitoring and inspection regime. In Australia, each year over 100,000 homes suffer from termite attacks and the cost of the damages reach millions of dollars. Keeping in mind, these damages are not covered by your household Insurance. Termite presence can significantly devalue your home or property.
- Termites are known to destroy the wall and roofing timbers of a home within 3 months of construction.
- Termites cause more damage to homes in Australia than fire, floods, storms and tempest, combined.
- Termites travel in mud shelter tubes as protection from predators, sun-burn, dehydration and to maintain a high humidity environment which is essential for their survival.
- Termites can pass through a 2 mm crack or an expansion joint (eating through the rubber compound) between adjoining concrete on ground flooring. Termites can also travel under parquetry and floor tiles to get to the wall framing timbers.
- Some species of termites will attack only living trees and will not attack dry seasoned timbers in a building.
- Flying Termites are often a sign of a nest.
- Are most active in warmer months.

We apply a full comprehensive, licensed and formulated solution to remove pests safely.